Monday, August 25, 2008

pre-sweden jitters

Hey hey,

Well as you know, I will leaving for sweden in october for the year to be an english tutor for a year!!! It's crazy!! I can't believe that this is actually happening. Words cannot even begin to express how excited I am!! I nervous yet pumped, scared to leave my family and not see them for a whole year, but yet excited to expirence something so completely different from what i like to call the "norm".
The past few days have been crazy. I'm trying to make my rounds(visiting family, hanging out with friends,donating plasma, working two jobs and trying to find time to sit down and decide what to take). I'm leaving in 10 days, and I know that it would seem like I have plenty of time to do all of this, but it's not. There is so much that I want to do here in good old Iowa before i leave and it seems like i don't have the time in the the time frame that i have to work with.
But on a different note, i would like to thank all of you for all of your support(donations and prayers!) This wouldn't be possible without you! Thanks again!!!
I be sure to update you all as much as i can!!!
