Sunday, September 14, 2008

rainy days and festivals.

Hey all...
Sorry for not posting in a while. As I said in my last blog, life in Chicago is great! It's been fun getting to know my housemates. The past few days have gone by really fast. So, I'll give you a brief summary.
On Friday we went to a green restaurant. It's place that uses only things that will help the environment.  The food there was amazing. I had some southern fried chicken and it was amazing. 
Saturday our teams got "kidnapped" and dropped off around different parts of the city and had to find our way back to the house. It was a pretty exciting time, we got a little lost, but found our way back. As we emerged from the train, it started to pour. Sam, Bethany, and I didn't have an umbrella, so we got soaked. Later that afternoon we had some free time and a group of us decided to head to the Celtic festival. It was a rather exciting and fun time. It rained the whole time we were there, so once again I found myself drenched. We decided to try some Celtic food and decided to have a sausage roll and a scone, which was magically delicious. Then some of us went for coffee and on a quest to find me an umbrella. Then went to Millennium park, checked out the fountain, decided that it was to wet to play in and went to the bean and took some cool pictures. Then I ventured back to the Celtic fest and watched two amazing bands, The Elders and The Great Big Sea. It rained the whole time, but that didn't ruin it for us, us being Dorothea, Becca, Dan, Scott, Tyler and myself. The night was fantastic despite the rain. 
Today we went to church, which was good. I felt so welcome. The service was good and afterwards we were invited to stay for lunch. All I can say is that the food was great. After lunch David, Sam, Tyler, Lee, Bethany, Kristen, Rachel and I went and did laundry. All I can say about that is it was a good bounding time. After laundry, Sam, David, Tyler, Dan, Rachel, Kristen, Lee and I headed to a quaint little craft show. I ended up getting a necklace with a heart and a unicorn and a necklace made from an old typewriter key.
Over all the first week has been good. I'll try to post on a regular basis. 
Thanks for reading


Donna said...

Sounds like the leaders are putting you in situations that make you rely on each other and get to know each other better. Good! Glad you always find your way home.

Krista said...

this is a good remembrance of what you did!