Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Every little thing that I say or do

Well it's week 3 here in Chicago and I can hardly believe it. Time here has gone by so fast. This Sunday is the last Sunday here for the England team, which is crazy to think about, because this means that my team could be leaving in the near future if their visas make it soon, so I'm praying that they come within the next week.
Okay, so here is a summary of what I did this past weekend. 
During the day, we got a visit from Gordon with MC Canada. He came to talk to the Paraguay and Brazil team about life in the South American countries that they will be living in. So the England and Sweden team had to go to the library to look up stuff about our respective countries. This was fun for a while, but then it kind of reminded me of school and once that thought popped in my mind, I lost all interest and it became really boring. After that we came back to the house and had some free time. I decided to utilize this time to the best of my abilities, so I took a nap. Around 5 we headed to a Mexican restaurant. When we got there we ordered our food. I ended up getting a massive burrito. It was amazing. Then we took a tour of the neighbor and looked at wall murals, which was really neat. All of them told different stories, which was also neat. Then we headed to a park and talked about our covenant.  

This was our free time day, so during the morning Kristen and I decided to head to Target to get some supplies that we needed (aka sock, band aids, scissors and tape). So we asked Scott how to get there. Well some how some of the directions got lost in the translation, and we ended up walking over 12 blocks to Target. On the way there though, we found a book store and we each ended up getting books about traveling through Europe. All in all despite having walked over 12 blocks, we still had a good time. When we finally got back to the house, we decided what to do with the rest of our free time. We thought it would be best to wait for the some of the other girls to get back to the house, so we could do something as a group. When they got back we decided that we wanted to go to Greektown and eat a Artopolis for supper. I had an amazing sandwhich and the best Canolli known to man kind. All I can say is that the food was amazing the the waiters looked like models... After we got done eating, we decided to go to Navy Pier. Navy Pier at night is so beautiful. Dorothea and I stayed for a while, but we were both really tired, so we decided to head back early, but not before we got some Haagen-Dazs ice cream, which was excellent. On the way home though, we got incredibly lost. It was slightly scary, yet a fun adventure all in one. We finally made it home, and by this time I was so insanely tired that I made a few phone calls and headed straight for bed.

I spent the beginning part of my Sunday at The Living Water Church. This was a whole new and different experience for me. The music was really good, but the sermon was so different for what I'm used to. It was really short, sweet and to the point. I really enjoyed the way the pastor related the sermon to a story about a friendship that she has that has lasted for over 30 years. She also talked about how sometimes God places intentional friendships in our life.
When we got back to the house there was no one there and I had laundry to do, so I waited for a little bit, and still the rest of my housemates hadn't showed up, so I decided to go by myself. I did okay, until a fight broke out in the parking lot of the laundromat and the cops were called. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. Everyone was outside watching and commenting as to what was going on. It sounded awful. I'm glad that I stayed inside. Other than that and the occasional funny looks that I got, everything else went fine. I made it back in one piece and found the house to be empty once again, turns out the the rest of my housemates decided to do laundry and I had just missed them. After they returned, a group of us decided to go to little Italy for supper. Well we found it without to much trouble, but as it were the only places that were opened were ones that had jags, audis and land rovers parked in front of them, so we decide not to eat there. Then we found a quaint Thai place, called the Thai bowl and Lee, Sheralynn, Sam and I decided to eat there because the prices were really reasonable. The food was great and we had a good time talking about random things. When we got back, I showed some of my new friends pictures of my family and my Iowa friends. Then we headed to bed. 

Well that's all I have for now, but I will be sure to post, sometime within the next few days.



Donna said...

Thanks for posting so regularly that we get a glipse of your experiences. I'm jealous you have so many ethnic food choices within walking distance. Yum-0!

Krista said...

12 blocks, whoa! Glad you made it!